We currently have about 30 scouts between the 2 troops ranging from ages 11-17. We strive to live by the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan and to let the scouts lead the program using the patrol method. This includes holding a monthly Patrol Leader’s Council meeting for our annual and monthly planning. The troops strive to have a weekend campout or outdoor outing at least once a month.
New scouts will focus on learning about the patrol method and learning their scout skills as they progress through the initial ranks of advancement (Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class). Once a scout achieves the First Class Rank, the focus will switch to leadership development and Merit Badges as they progress through Star, Life, Eagle Rank, and then Eagle Palms. The path and time frame that this journey takes will look different for each scout. The journey is theirs and we encourage them to set their own goals within scouting. We are here to support them in their achievement of their goals.
All of our adult leaders are registered with Scouts BSA and have completed their Youth Protection training. Many of them are also Merit Badge Counselors and will offer various Merit Badge opportunities at our meetings, campouts, or at various times.
The calendar on this website will give you an idea of what type of events our Patrol Leader’s Council have planned. If you choose to join one of our troops, you will gain access to our Calendar that will have all the details (location, start/end times, what to expect).
Please email the troop leadership if you have any questions or would like to check out one of our meetings. Since we occasionally meet offsite, please let us know ahead of time which meeting you would like to attend so we can let you know if we will be meeting somewhere else that night.
“The open-air is the real objective of Scouting and the key to its success.”
– Baden Powell
Troop Meetings
Thursdays (Weekly)
Troop Campouts
We do our best to plan a campout 1 weekend out of every month